Star Wars: Skeleton Crew

It isn't bad, but it isn't good for adults only. Jude Law does a decent job of play the Dred Pirate Roberts, sorry that is Princess Bride. One-eyed Willy? No, that is The Goonies. Well whatever his name is, Jod or so he says, but I always feel like he was holding back.

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew


A group of kids accidentally find and take off in a mysterious spaceship. This leads to get lost in the galaxy-far-far-away and run into pirates. However, one of the pirates is more than he seems.


It isn't bad, but it isn't good for adults only. Jude Law does a decent job of play the Dred Pirate Roberts, sorry that is Princess Bride. One-eyed Willy? No, that is The Goonies. Well whatever his name is, Jod or so he says, but I always feel like he was holding back. Some of it felt like his character, others looked and felt like it was him.

The story is pretty good. It for sure feels like a Goonies movie just made for kids and that idea of adventure. The adventure is awesome. Just lots of pulling more of the Star Wars Universe inside this show. There is some really cool lore that is added and helps to explain how the First Order shows up in Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens.

The kids characters are good, wholesome, people. Neil is outstanding. His character is probably my favorite. While the kids can be up or down, I mean they are kids so they need to learn, Jude law does a great job of playing someone that is force sensitive, but has no morals. Shows you what someone on the outskirts really could have been for the Jedi Order.

My Rating

This is a kids show. It very much is designed to inspire them and get them into the Star Wars Universe. I'm here for that. I love Star Wars. So if you have kids, this will be a great show to ignite their imagination. If you don't have kids, it'll be alright, but not great. So my actual score is a 6. It was boring at times and very predictable, but if I look at it from the angle of parents, it is an easy 8.

Parental Rating

There is no language, maybe a Star Wars curse word, but I don't think so. There is the occasional off-screen murder, but I am not sure how a kid would take it. There is no sex or conversation of sex. Based on the rules, they both would approve, and I know my mom would love to watch this with their grandkids.

Category Garrett Mom Dad
Language 🟩 🟩 🟩
Sex 🟩 🟩 🟩
Entertainment 🟨 🟩 🟨
Blood/Gore 🟩 🟩 🟩
Story 🟩 🟩 🟨

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TV Show Name IMDB Code
Skeleton Crew tt20600980
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