The Machine

So this is a polarizing movie because it is stupid, or stupid funny depending on who you are. I meant IMDB gives it a 5.8 and rotten tomatoes a 33% which isn't surprising as critics will hate this movie. On the flip side, the audience score was 88% so like I said... polarizing.

The Machine


A story that spawns from Bert's legendary story of his trip to Russia during college where he partied with mobsters and became "The Machine."


So this is a polarizing movie because it is stupid, or stupid funny depending on who you are. I meant IMDB gives it a 5.8 and rotten tomatoes a 33% which isn't surprising as critics will hate this movie. On the flip side, the audience score was 88% so like I said... polarizing.

The story is outrageously silly and completely implausible, stupid (have I said stupid in the last 3 words?), but amazingly funny in the Bert way. I know this movie is noting to write home about, but it made me laugh out loud.

The acting is from a wild variety of talent. There is Bert, and well, yeah. There is Marten Ford, not bad. Then there is Luke Skywalker, sorry, Mark Hamill. Dude was wildly over qualified, but damn does he bring a level of hilarity to this movie that you just don't expect.

The gun fights are typical, nothing John Wick would be a part of, but there is some John Woo over-the-top in there that is just fun. Also, the 90s were such a ridiculous time for sure.

Speaking that this is a comedy and it is a very particular comedy, let me give you some of the topics. Think potty humor, a little bit of National Lampoon, a bit of the Scary Movie series, and then Ryan Reynolds, all coming from Bert and his team.

My Rating

Look I can both tell you to avoid this movie and watch it as soon as you can. It isn't for everyone, but it got me good. Hearing my wife laugh at his jokes makes it even better. Its a 10, but not even close because it is dumb. Its an 8. I was highly entertained and could leave my life to be pulled into that world.

Parental Rating

Hahaha naw... not a chance in hell even if Hell froze over and God said if they watched it and enjoyed it the world would be saved. This would be a movie you show them to get a rise out of them.

Category Garrett Mom Dad
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Movie Name IMDB Code
The Machine tt11040844
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