The Lincoln Lawyer Movie

The story is very well constructed. You get a really nice presentation of the main players and the side elements that play a role. I typically do not appreciate some of the side elements that are thrown in just cause, but there isn't a single one that doesn't pay off.

The Lincoln Lawyer Movie


A defense lawyer is handed a case that seems to be too good to be true. A large payout, but there seems to be something concerning about the case based on an holder case.


I am not sure what I expected from this movie, but it wasn't what I got. This is a really interesting movie that Matthew McConaughey does a great job at. I think this movie does a great job in showing the injustice that can occur in the justice system and so much so that it has a spin off TV show. Honestly, seeing clips of that show made me watch this movie and I will watch the show.

Ryan Phillippe, I am sorry, but you look like your character. I don't mean that he has similar physical features, I am talking about that inane sense of looking at someone and thinking to yourself "The look like a asshole." That is what I mean by that. Ryan looks like a rich kid who hasn't been told no and mom covers up the entire thing. He and his mom play their roles really well.

The story is very well constructed. You get a really nice presentation of the main players and the side elements that play a role. I typically do not appreciate some of the side elements that are thrown in just cause, but there isn't a single one that doesn't pay off.

My Rating

I was both surprised and a little bored with this movie. It was a good story that was well presented and interesting, but at times it was a little slow. I understand the presentation of his ex-wife and kid, but I think it could have been something else and would have sped up those portions of the story. Even with that, I still think this movie is an 8.

Parental Rating

I remember my mom saying something about this movie, but I never watched it. The language is a extensive and there is one sex scene and a couple scenes of attempted rape. A couple scenes of blood and violence. This is a movie rated "R" for a good reason, but I am going to say approved by both. This movie is about finding justice even when you mess up.

Category Garrett Mom Dad
Language 🟩 🟨 🟥
Sex 🟩 🟨 🟨
Entertainment 🟨 🟩 🟨
Blood/Gore 🟩 🟨 🟩
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Movie Name IMDB Code
The Lincoln Lawyer tt1189340
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