
Amazingly inventive and visceral combat could not keep the snail from killing this show. Overall this is the slowest full production show that I have ever watched. This show only continued for 2 reasons. 1) it was, at the time, the best Apple TV show out and 2) Jason Momoa.



In the future the human races goes blind, but now children are being born with sight which is deemed witchcraft.

Review in one Sentence

Amazingly inventive and visceral combat could not keep the snail from killing this show.


Overall this is the slowest full production show that I have ever watched. This show only continued for 2 reasons. 1) it was, at the time, the best Apple TV show out (Thank you Ted Lasso for putting this show in the gutters in belongs in) and 2) Jason Momoa.

I do need to give props to whomever thought through the fighting. Blind combat is not something I ever thought of and damn is it good. It is the only reason to continue watching the show, however it is so few and far between that you struggle to continue to watching the show.

To follow that, the cast did a great job with their movement. Truly outstanding. If only the rest of their acting matched that level of effort.

The lady who plays Sibil, is nutty. The fact that in 3 seasons they didn’t wipe her out of that world keeps be up at night. It is the second-biggest plot whole in that show. The first being how everyone survived the litany of injuries like they are paper cuts. Deus ex machina.

In Season 3, Haniwa gets a gun and the lady who teachers her gives the weapon safety rules. Halle-freakin-lujah. Finally! I hate when characters are given a gun and the only instruction is "pull trigger at bad guy." I should mention she didn’t listen and points it at the wrong person out of anger.

I’ve ranted mostly so far so let me throw some praise. Jason Momoa is great… playing the same role he always plays. Big dude going ham on people. He is great in his actions and dedicated to the role. He is the most believable to me. I enjoyed his character very much. My biggest question for him, where the hell did he get samurai armor and a Katana??

My Rating

The fight scenes are awesome. If the show wasn’t 90% filler, it would be a solid 8, but the pacing is off so much that I waited till they announced the end of the series to watch the entire thing just to watch the fight scenes. Wanting it to get better, but the snail in the tungsten ball finally caught up because the show is so, so slow. Because of that, it is a 5.

Parental Rating

Gore is low, it is there, but nothing crazy. Language is minimal, and the sex is occasional and not graphic. Both my parents approve based on the rules, but I am not sure they would watch this.

Category Garrett Mom Dad
Language 🟩 🟨 🟨
Sex 🟨 🟨 🟥
Entertainment 🟨 🟨 🟨
Blood/Gore 🟩 🟨 🟩
Story 🟩 🟨 🟨

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