
Its been a while since I have watched this movie and it holds up decently. The overall story is built on old Intelligence theory that Russia was building sleeper agents that were going to infiltrate the US. Think Black Widow with Scarlett Johansson.



A CIA agent is accused of being a sleeper agent for the Russians by a defector. During the investigation, the US is driven into chaos.


Its been a while since I have watched this movie and it holds up decently. The overall story is built on old Intelligence theory that Russia was building sleeper agents that were going to infiltrate the US. Think Black Widow with Scarlett Johansson. They expand on this by threatening the US by preemptively firing the nuclear arsenal. This story is solid. It holds up for sure.

The acting was decent. It made me miss Angelina Jolie as an actress. She does a great job, while there is a TON of wire work, that does point to the age of this movie. Chiwetel Ejiofor I feel plays the same straight laced character he always does just like in Doctor Strange. Other than that it was pretty lack luster. Liev Schreiber is ok. I am not a big fan of his and this movie points to why. He is tonal, robotic, and forgettable.

The action is style over substance. Wire acts, actions that I feel do more to show up Jolie's physical characteristic and not the actions. The exception to this is the scene in the barge where she chucks grenades to wipe out a large group. That's pretty awesome.

My Rating

I was entertained. It is short and sets up a CRAZY ending that ruined the chance of subsequent movies and it provided commentary that in 2010 I don't think Americans would want to hear, even now it would cause issue. I think for the time it was decent and because there isn't anything crazy the stunts still work, but are obvious. It is a 7.

Parental Rating

Limited language, scenes of torture and violence throughout. It isn't crazy in the gore department, but there is some blood. A short scene of skimpy clothing, but for the most part is is clean in that department. No family or even substance to the story, so I think Mom is out. Dad would approve though as it is spy related with light language.

Category Odin Mom Dad
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Movie Name IMDB Code
Salt tt0944835
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