
Since this is labeled as a horror film, there is an overwhelming sense of creepy throughout the movie that lives on from the first. You are just waiting for crazy to happen and when it does, it zooms into the hell that she builds.



A young farmer's daughter whose husband is away at war dreams of joining a dance troupe. However, her mom is very strict, her dad is very sick, and the daughter is hiding a secret.


So when we compare this to X this movie is so much better. A similar story beat, but a story that makes a lot more sense. A LOT less porn, and a much better story overall. The entire thing makes more sense, but it rides on knowing the story of X though. Without it, the story is much less interesting. However, no matter when you watch this movie, you will see some intriguing visuals about the dissent into and of mental illness.

The setting is the exact same, just less run down as this for sure was from the original which makes sense since it is the beginning of the farm. I like the small town and the little interactions between people. Feels very natural. The camera work isn't as artistic as and so you don't feel as pulled away from the story.

I also want to say that the acting was pretty good. I feel some of the wailing type crying was over the top and hard to believe, especially outside the church, but the fights between the characters in the screaming match were so good.

Since this is labeled as a horror film, there is an overwhelming sense of creepy throughout the movie that lives on from the first. You are just waiting for crazy to happen and when it does, it zooms into the hell that she builds. There is a high sense of expectation for jump scares that really don't come. This is all about the creep factor.

My Rating

I liked this movie. I think the writing on this was so much better than X, and it is really hard not to compare it when it is the same acting team, the same writers, the same directors, in the same series. I want to give it a 7 or 8. It is one or the other not middle ground. It is either decent or it isn't, and I think my feelings of it be excellent and sitting at an 8 is because I am watching it almost directly after X. So this is a 7.

Parental Rating

Language is decently light, but high in violence and sexual activity (not in the same level as the other, but high for a normal movie). There isn't a chance my parents will watch this movie, but it isn't the crazy over the top movie that X was. So no gift from Satan.

Category Odin Mom Dad
Language 🟩 🟥 🟥
Sex 🟩 🟥 🟨
Entertainment 🟨 🟥 🟨
Blood/Gore 🟩 🟥 🟥
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Movie Name IMDB Code
Pearl tt18925334