The Reaper
This is a decent book that tells a good story. However, it is nothing crazy. A memoir that doesn't explain anything beyond some almost repetitive statements about how military members deal with combat actions.
This is a decent book that tells a good story. However, it is nothing crazy. A memoir that doesn't explain anything beyond some almost repetitive statements about how military members deal with combat actions.
Over the 2024 year we have made 5 podcast episodes that encompassed over 12 hours of recording. We covered Destiny, Star Wars Movies, Assassin's Creed, the Alien movies, and Call of Duty. Well we have also watched and played many other things ...
This story is complete with great detail in the story telling without becoming boring. However, the repetition of described actions, "If I have to I will use my mailed fists" gets very old very quick during important scenes.
I hate this story though. Verric is being interrogated and is telling the story of the Champion of Kirkwall to someone from the Chantry. That's fine. However, there are 3 acts with 3 different bad guys and the first act and third act are barely tangentially tied together.
The fighting in this game is probably the most fun I've had in a Dragon Age game, but it very quickly becomes repetitive. Not so much that you stop enjoying it, but it can be during the middle of the game. The overall story is what kept me involved even frustrated with how mission worked.
What hurts the Gladiator continuation is this weird world we live in where they keep asking Russell Crowe to do accents. This wasn't any better than him doing a "Greek" accent in Thor Love and Thunder. I don't like him in this movie, he feels like an actor playing rather than an actual Russian
It isn't bad, but it isn't good for adults only. Jude Law does a decent job of play the Dred Pirate Roberts, sorry that is Princess Bride. One-eyed Willy? No, that is The Goonies. Well whatever his name is, Jod or so he says, but I always feel like he was holding back.
My biggest cheers for this are Eddie Redmayne and his language skills and the gun fights. I know that he is just memorizing lines, but he had a decent accent that even my half-deaf ears could hear. The gun fights didn't have a prolonged engagement and all felt very realistic. This is
This is an animated TV show and while I know that in the millennial and beyond generations, those are becoming more popular, I have a hard time paying attention to them. However, this show does something interesting for the first two seasons. The third season is where it falls apart.
the acting is superb. I recently was on jury duty myself and can tell you that the reasons that people try to get out of jury duty is crazy. There is also that idea of not trusting anyone and people who are against the grain and see things the other way.
I am not 100% sure I remember anything from this book even though I finished it yesterday. It was a lot like SPQR A History of Ancient Rome where it was very academic. I do not think I was really interested until "Chapter" 8.
There are some things that I have loved and appreciated about this show as well. Lets talk about bringing in the old acting team to play small roles in the new show. I mean both old and new gangster Jeffery are dope. I mean, the old one popping up for this heavy conversation just sits so well.
I was reminded of how good Ralph Fiennes is and luckily enough, this movie came out, and we see him be more than triumphant. This entire movie follows him and he just kills it. There isn't a scene where you can see him out of character.
The story is good. The idea that the Military Industrial Complex would attempt to kill someone so they could get more funding matches everything I know about contract companies. Especially those that have former special operators with a laxed moral complex.
This is going to be, if it isn't already, a classic for Millennials. We grew up with it, ABC Family plays it every holiday. It is just a great set of movies that ends so well. There are some parts that are not the greatest, and some massive changes as compared to the book,
This show is infuriating. There are so many things wrong with the gun fights, the Lionesses, the demographics, and writing. However, it is a wildly entertaining story that you enjoy because the season is short. Only 8 episodes, therefore there aren't a lot of filler episodes which is so nice.
Video Game
The fighting itself has some cool moments, like when you kill a target you sometimes get these little slo-mo events or special flourishes and that is when it is fun. Otherwise, it is like playing World of Warcraft back in the day when you just hit a button and wait for the skill cooldown to finish
This is a crazy story of the attack on Pearl Harbor and those that lived on the island that you have never heard of. The closest you would ever hear about this is probably from the TV show NCIS for 2 reasons... 2) Douglas Wada worked for NIS which is the predecessor to NCIS.
Let me start off by saying it was an informative movie. I knew his work with Gorbachev thanks to books like The Main Enemy and his relationship with Margaret Thatcher thanks to The Spy and the Traitor, but a lot of the others items I didn't know.
This book doesn't do a good job of explaining the connection in the series, but is an entertaining story about Kovatch on another adventure. The actions scenes are well described, but the story doesn't matter. It feels inconsequential at best. Other than being off planet in a different sleeve ...
This is where the three people, Jeremy, Richard, and James, really make the show entertaining. Yes, they are stubborn, opinionated, and sometimes frustrating/confrontational, which is what lead to Jeremy being fired from the show in 2015 and the others quitting. This action lead to the downfall
This is the role that in my mental image of Hugh Grant, he should play. He has always come across as a creep to me. I didn't like him in The Gentlemen, I have seen clips from his old RomComs and those are atrocious. This is where he just fits the bill. A condescending, egotistical, elitist...
Starting now, Epic Screen Time will provide Book, Movie, TV-Show, and Video Game reviews based on what we are watching. There will be a relatively short written review with a link to a YouTube short that will be 60 seconds or less if you want to just watch that.
Podcast Episode
With our Special Guest, Rob, we discussed the game series that all of us have 1000s of hours in over the decade. Call of Duty has changed the industry for the good, going back to Modern Warfare 4 and the original Modern Warfare series ...