Inside Man

The acting is great though. Outside the writing, I feel the cast dove into their characters and it was really good to see. There isn't anyone that I feel cheated the role or anything else. They all are dedicated to it.

Inside Man


Who will win? A perfectly planned bank robbery or an untraditional, hip-firing detective? With other shadow players involved behind the scenes, these two work to complete their plan and stop civilians from being hurt.


For being a 2006 movie, this holds up. There is a great mystery to it, some serious acting however forced into stereotypes. I feel that this is the biggest complaint that I have. The females are "strong confident woman" to the point that they are just rude. The men who are in charge are arrogant. Denzel's character is the "renegade." This whole movie is full of racial and personality stereotypes.

The acting is great though. Outside the writing, I feel the cast dove into their characters and it was really good to see. There isn't anyone that I feel cheated the role or anything else. They all are dedicated to it.

The story is really well done. I also should mention that this is a "Spike Lee Joint" and it explains a lot of the stereotyping that was there that I previously talked about. However, the directorship really does explain some of the depth to this movie that I am not sure another director would have provided.

My Rating

I enjoy this movie. There are twist and turns and it was one of the first movies when I was younger that I didn't see the twist. I expected them to get the money some other way and I think that was the intent on the writing. This is worth the watch, however it is a little slow and so it is a 7.

Parental Rating

Language and sexual harassment were the biggest agitators for my parents on this one. However, the language used is more sparing and direct than in other films were it could be an issue. The overall story is about redemption and justice, but not enough for my mom to watch this. Dad approved, Mom rejected.

Category Odin Mom Dad
Language 🟩 🟨 🟨
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Movie Name IMDB Code
Inside Man tt0454848
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