Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

This is the book that I was so excited to read when it first came out, that I read ahead of where my mom and I stopped. Tre story, the magic, and the characters are just huge in my mind from this point forward.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The Book in 1 Sentence

Harry has to grow up after someone is attempting to get him into a deadly competition against unknown people and the rise of Death Eaters.

Brief Review

This is where the series turns dark, and I really start to enjoy it. Everyone shows some true colors from characters we have known and new characters. This is also the first book to have a lasting threat beyond itself into something bigger.

Why I Read this book

Continuing the series.

In-Depth Review (Favorite Quotes)

This is the book that I was so excited to read when it first came out, that I read ahead of where my mom and I stopped. Tre story, the magic, and the characters are just huge in my mind from this point forward.

Reading this as an adult I really enjoyed the emotional stage that is set. I am not talking about "Harry is in trouble" emotion, I am talking about Ron and Harry fighting emotion. We finally see something other than perfect friendship in this and I think it honestly allowed Ron to grow more than in any other book. He has to make new friends, he has to "man up" and apologize for not even asking or talking. It really shows the relationship that he and Harry end up having and why it is so good.

Rita Skeeter is a pest, and I don't mean that from the throwaway line that she is an "Animagous." I call it a throwaway as it is just dropped in the final chapter as perfect bow to the events. I think it could have been fleshed out more, especially since no one ever calls out that you can be a non-registered animagous. We learned about them in the last book and no on calls it out.

The Tri-Wizard Tournament is super cool. A really nice way of expanding the magic and the universe without to bring them out of school or shrink the school year. We get to meet the rest of the Weasley boys, we see their work, we see different schools, the Quidditch World Cup, and finally we see the fear of dark wizards. It is just so well layered in that you can really see how big the world is.


This is my favorite book in the series I think. It felt grown up then with death and fear being the primary elements. You have a dark spell being cast that requires blood, and we all know from Dragon Age that blood magic leads to demons, so it just feels dark. It made me more excited for future books than I have ever been I think. I am giving this a 9. The Rita Skeeter part being my biggest and only complaint.

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Book Name ISBN Code
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 9781781105672
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