Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

"Harry Potter and the Extending Camping Trip," but I think this is one of the better and more true to book movies out of the series. There are somethings that I wish they had left in like the change in relationship for Kreacher and Harry, but I overall, it is well done.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1


Voldemort has started to destroy the wizarding way of life. From the take over of the ministry to the hunting of "the undeserving." Harry, Ron, and Hermione strike out to begin their hunt for the Horcuxes, however each step forward leads to new issues.


I know everyone calls either these last two movies or the book, "Harry Potter and the Extending Camping Trip," but I think this is one of the better and more true to book movies out of the series. There are somethings that I wish they had left in like the change in relationship for Kreacher and Harry, but I overall, it is well done.

The movie also does one crazy thing different and that is forcing this idea of a love triangle between the three that doesn't actual exist. However, with that, I think we get Ron/Rupert's best performance. There is a scene when Ron and Harry are fighting and Ron just lashes out at Harry. Rupert's performance in this scene is outstanding as you can feel the weight that he has been carrying for years. The concern he has for his family that is all sacrificing themselves for Harry.

There is a lot of just love for the series in this book. You get a good amount of fan service and some really great CGI/acting from every body. If you want to see the stellar CGI scene, look at the snake/Bagshot scene where in the mirror you can see the head explode backwards to let the snake out.

My Rating

I know that this book got turned into two movies. However, with how much detail there is in this book and the movie portray, I am not mad at it. The final two scenes with Dobby and Voldemort are super powerful and really give you an excited sense of what is to come. I want this to be a 9, but I know feel there are some pacing issues during the middle of the movie with the camping spots. It isn't crazy, but it does take away from the rest. So I am going to give it an 8.

Parental Rating

Some language, would you look at that. Teenagers using language. What a concept. There is an intense kissing scene with suggested nudity (There was no reason for it), but I don't think it would detract my parents from watching it. The action is good and more comical, with a couple scenes of death/blood, but it doesn't overwhelm the movie. I am going to say approved by both.

Category Garrett Mom Dad
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Movie Name IMDB Code
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 tt0926084