
I was very surprised by this movie. I am a huge fan of Gerard Butler to the point that my smart home bot is named Gerard the Butler. He is extremely underrated and this movie is proof of that. In fact, everyone did a great job. Morena Baccarin however, does an ok job.



A Deadly comet is heading towards earth threatening to wipe out civilization. Complications occur after being selected for safety, the family looks to survive.


I was very surprised by this movie. I am a huge fan of Gerard Butler to the point that my smart home bot is named Gerard the Butler. He is extremely underrated and this movie is proof of that. In fact, everyone did a great job. Morena Baccarin does an ok job. Having seen here originally in Firefly and Homeland, I don't feel that this movie is much of a departure from those roles.

The story was solid in regards that the plot points were at least plausible regarding the story since they were basically making a straight line north.

The special effects were accurate for this movie, I.e. not Marvel movie worthy special effects, but pretty good. No worse than 2012 was when it first came out. The only issue I saw was there was a military C-130 that took off in a scene from an airfield littered with planes and so it took it in maybe 200 feet (60.96 m). Made me chuckle.

My Rating

This movie is worth watching with family. Some truly wholesome moments and decent acting. It isn’t Oscar worthy, but it wasn’t supposed to be. If you are on a plane it’s solid entertainment. 7/10.

Parental Rating

My parents will watch this movie. No sex, violence is natural except for one scene, but all the actual violence takes place just off-screen. Language is very limited. Approval for both.

Category Garrett Mom Dad
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Movie Name IMDB Code
Greenland tt7737786
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