Golden Son

However, I have since learned that really it is a trilogy with 2 additional books that add more but aren't considered part of the main series. Second, there is a couple year gap between the first book and this which puts them out of being teenagers and somehow that feels better.

Golden Son

The Book in 1 Sentence

The Golds are in a time of flux as Darrow pushes to continue his mission from the faceless Aries.

Brief Review

This book continues to do exactly what Red Rising did with fights and make them very descriptive so you can feel like you are there. Darrow continues to be an excellent self-aware protagonist; however, he makes the same dumb decisions that you see in most books.

Why I Read this book

Continuing the series based on the recommendation from Sam who said "This book has my favorite ending to any book. At least one of my favorites."

In-Depth Review (Favorite Quotes)

I talked about Red Rising being what Hunger Games should have been as it is a bunch of teenagers becoming sociopaths and committing mass rape and murder. With that being what I expected the rest of the series to be like, I said I wasn't going to continue. However, I have since learned that really it is a trilogy with 2 additional books that add more but aren't considered part of the main series means that it is more tangible to invest time into. Second, there is a couple year gap between the first book and this which puts them out of being teenagers and somehow that feels better.

The story continues with a new series of duplicity happening, and it is told really well. I could predict some of the events that happened or at least the overall plan, but it is really well disguised and isn't sign posted all over the place.

As I said above, Darrow really does bother me sometimes. He will constantly tell you that "I should do this, to be better to my friends", or "I need to bring this person into the fold" only to do the exact opposite of that which brings upon the entire end of the book. I do find it refreshing that the characters from the first book keep the same motivation and thought process into this book. It made it a lot easier to remember who the characters are when it has been a couple of months since I read the last one.


This is again an 8. I found it to be much more entertaining and intriguing as the first one and am happy that I continued the series. I am looking forward to the last one in the series to see how it ends.

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Book Name ISBN Code
Golden Son 9780345539823
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