Civil War

I think maturity now shows Kirsten Dunst true beauty. I know that has no place in this review, but her intelligence and morality in this movie really makes her stand out against all the other cast as a true beacon of honesty in the press and beauty in a dirt, hateful, and disgusting world.

Civil War


Civil war has ravaged the USA and the only people that are not open targets are the press. Rumor has it that the Western Forces are going to win and take DC soon so some journalist work to make it to DC to interview the President before the forces get there.


First off, at no time will Texas and California join forces. If they did, either 2 things have happened. 1st: Enough Californian left California for Texas and they decided to join friends. 2nd: DC went CRAZIER than before. This must be a mix of these as Arizona and Nevada didn't join them and still sides with DC. Which brings us to Nick Offerman as President. His opening scene, which is the most time he gets, shows what it would look like if the President made speeches in practice that were designed to push a narrative forward.

This movie follows war "correspondents" or journalist. I know there is a difference between the two, and I am not sure. Kirsten Dunst does an outstanding job. I know people found her absolutely attractive back in the Spider-Man days, but I think maturity now shows her true beauty. I know that has no place in this review, but her intelligence and morality in this movie really makes her stand out against all the other cast as a true beacon of honesty in the press and beauty in a dirt, hateful, and disgusting world.

There are, of course, some heavy politics in this movie. Some that echo real life, but for the most part are so far beyond anything going on that this would be the darkest timeline, like what is a bit in Community. However, there are some pieces that I have a hard time accepting as part of legitimately any military force no matter how craptacular of a world we ended up with.

The actions that are frustrating are specifically the Western Forces provide no quarter to those who hold no weapons or have called for "Parley." There is no world in which the Rules of Engagement, which are the rules in which military and police forces are allowed to take executive and final actions, would allow for them to execute people. This execution has a lot, but at times from forces that you are unsure of their loyalty and directive. More home-grown militia's that have lost their sense of American Values, than members of the military. It is the members working directly for Western Forces that I can't stand. The second complaint is wrapped in a spoiler, so I won't discuss it, but it is so well explained in the video below that I now longer feel my argument about that is valid or really as bad as I thought. It makes sense with some explanation. NOTE the video gives HEAVY SPOILERS.

I have provided a link to a very journalistic review of the movie from @eavoss at "New Rockstars" who always does a great job reviewing items and I have provided videos from him and the team over there before. Near the end of the video he talks about the movie needing context. While Alex Garland, the writer and director, didn't provide this, I think this fits the film. This world has gotten so crazy that people can't remember what started it. In our world now, if something were to happen, I am not sure the Democrats and Republicans in Congress would be able to agree either.

As a note, Alex Garland the Director and Writer worked with A24, the company that brought you movies like the X series which includes the recently reviews MaXXXine, but more importantly also was part of one of my favorite movies Ex Machina, which I will watch and review in the near future. Didn't intend to do an A24 movies series, but it just ended up that way.

My Rating

I enjoyed this movie. The pacing is extremely well done, there is action, and sadness, as well as real life. There is a scene after the death of a character where Wagner's character just screams into open air with no regards to the people around him, and it hit me. I've been there. Screaming at God, the Devil, the enemy, and my friends about loss. The unfairness. The injustice. It is scenes like this that make this movie so enrapturing that you don't want to look away. It took me days to watch this movie. Not because I was bored, but because I wanted to make sure that I gave it the focus it deserved and if I couldn't give it that around life, I would stop it and come back. It was outstanding. I mentioned above that there was an issue I had with the movie and before watching the explanation, I was going to give it a 6 since I thought it was a terrible ending, but the new information adds so much clarity and intentionality that it is back to the 8 I initially found it to be.

Parental Rating

Heavy drinking, lots of language, malicious murder and violence to the scale of serial killers, and a lot of political focus. My dad hates political movies. Thinks politics have no place in movies as they should be entertainment only. At least that is what he told me a long time ago. That plus the language makes me think that my dad would most likely not watch this. My mom would probably avoid it due to the violence. However, I think she might watch it as she is much more accepting of political movies and I know she likes Kirsten. I am going to say that my mom approves and my dad rejects. I think this might be the first this way.

Category Odin Mom Dad
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Movie Name IMDB Code
Civil War tt17279496
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