Black Swan

I honestly think that for the time, 2010, this is a massive call out to the need for mental health reform. From a controlling Mother, OCD, perfectionism, and what appears to be what the non-physiologically-trained individual would call schizophrenia.

Black Swan


During the creation of The Black Swan ballet, Nina works to take the lead role, but this brings to the surface underlying mental health issues making life a walking nightmare for her.


I watched this movie YEARS ago, and I totally forgot how dark this movie is. I honestly think that for the time, 2010, this is a massive call-out to the need for mental health reform. From a controlling Mother, OCD, perfectionism, and what appears to be what the non-physiologically-trained individual would call schizophrenia. That is a lot and this movie doesn't shy away from it kind of like The Joker with Joaquin Phoenix.

Between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis are fantastic. The constant back and forth of perspective and the frenemy actions they take is outstanding and what makes this movie really stand out.

I do want to talk about the sexual elements in this movie. As I watched this on a plane, I completely forgot about the amount of sex there is. I would also say that a lot of it is sexual assault or manipulation and my knowledge of that industry is not far from that as far as manipulation goes.

As far as the story, it is good, but the muddled as Natalie Portman's character is the best unreliable narrator. We have no idea of any part we are seeing is real or not until it is or isn't.

My Rating

This is a hard movie to watch just like the Joker. You have to be ready for it. However, I feel that the need for unreliable narrator makes the movie almost confusing. It is worth the watch, but know there is a lot of sex and the content is heavy. It is a 7.

Parental Rating

Language, violence, sex, and mental health issues. Mom and Dad are out due to content.

Category Garrett Mom Dad
Language 🟨 🟥 🟥
Sex 🟩 🟥 🟩
Entertainment 🟨 🟥 🟥
Blood/Gore 🟩 🟨 🟩
Story 🟩 🟥 🟥

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Movie Name IMDB Code
Black Swan tt0947798
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