Avatar: Way of the Water

Following the story of the first Avatar, Jake builds a family but sins of the past come to haunt the group. On the run, the humans come looking for him and their piggy bank. The story also introduces cloning to keep the bad guy when in reality they could have done anything else.

Avatar: Way of the Water


Following the story of the first Avatar, Jake builds a family but sins of the past come to haunt the group. On the run, the humans come looking for him and their piggy bank.


Entertaining, but a very long movie at 3 and a half hours.

The acting by the children I thought was well done, where the adults seem to have taken a step back. Nothing of value really came from them. The story also introduces cloning to keep the bad guy when in reality they could have done anything else. I mean anything else would have been a better story. This was just lazy.

I will say this, the special effects in presenting the changes in the people and the creatures is awesome. That is why I enjoyed this movies.

My Rating

Meh. I mean, it makes for a great airplane movie because you have nothing else to do. It is entertaining, but not really worth writing home about. It’s a 7.

Parental Rating

It’s so long, while this doesn’t really fit the criteria of my parental ratings, I don’t think they’d watch it. However, based on the criteria I have set for them, the language is limited. Nothing crazy and the action is cool. The story is all about family so my mom would be all about it.

Category Garrett Mom Dad
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Blood/Gore 🟩 🟩 🟩
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Movie Name IMDB Code
Avatar: Way of the Water tt1630029