

After years at war, some Germans in the Third Reich believes that Hitler will be the end of Germany especially as the Allies push nearer. They decide to take things into their own hand and attempt the assassination of Hitler.


This is based on a true story of the last attempt of 15 to kill Hitler. It was one of the few attempts that had a chance of working, but also not really. I'll explain that near the end.

It is really surprised that this movie really swam under the radar in 2008. I know that the world was in a recession, but there is an outstanding cast EVERYWHERE in this movie. Even the smaller people are recognizable people and it is outstanding. Everyone does a great job. Tom Cruise when he is putting on his suit after losing a hand, an eye, and a couple fingers on the other hand is so well acted that I am curious if they tied his hand down or something similar. I have done some volunteering with some of my veteran peers at VA hospitals, working with those that are amputees and this scene was very accurate for those struggling to get themselves together alone for the first time.

The story is really well done. Showing the players involved, why they were involved and their game plan in these snippets of priority while pushing a narrative. I must be honest that I am not sure off the specifics in this story as far as the pushing the reserve forces to make arrests, but what a smart play.

My Rating

I mentioned that this assassination attempt was failed from the beginning. The simple story is that it didn't kill Hitler because of a last minute change of venue, but that isn't true based on recent test. The MythBusters tested this event, somewhat cheaply, and proved that the change in venue wouldn't have had as much change due to the lack of the amount of explosives. That is why I watched this as it is a cool piece of history. The movie overall is enjoyable. Seeing that all of Germany wasn't a Nazi, and that Hitler's actions do not represent their morality. This is an 8 of a movie, a must-watch.

Parental Rating

There is some blood, but not much. There is no sex, no real language, and overall there is a small plot line about taking care of Europe and family. I do not think that there is anything that would stop either of my parents from watch this. It isn't my mom's preference of movies as far as content, but based on the rules she would watch.

Category Odin Mom Dad
Language 🟩 🟩 🟩
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Entertainment 🟩 🟥 🟩
Blood/Gore 🟩 🟩 🟩
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Movie Name IMDB Code
Valkyrie tt0985699