State of the Union
The Book in 1 Sentence
A possible nuclear event causes Harvath to become a hunter for Russian Sleep agents while take bullets and explosions like a champ.
Brief Review
The early part of this series always upset me with the implausibility of some actions that happen. However, the action in this story is where it starts to make the series a more enjoyable read. Thor does a great job of telling a compelling story with a possible event that could have happened.
Why I Read this book
Rereading the series.
In-Depth Review (Favorite Quotes)
So the story is that the United States is put over the barrel by the long con of the USSR who pretended to roll over at the end of the Cold War. The beginning starts out with something I remember when I was younger, at least in the theory that it was the United States' boogeyman. The Soviets placing suitcase nukes around the country to blow it up. It resonates this feeling of a shadowy specter hiding in the background.
The action in this book is a lot of fun and better described than previous entries. You get a lot more product placement like lines, a lot of time name-dropping specific brands and I both like it as a way to go search it and get a visual. However, its repeated a couple of times to the point that it is just annoying.
There is a decent amount of character growth when comparing it to the previous book, but inside only Harvath has any. Even that is just a throwaway at the end.
While I did enjoy the book, Harvath's ability to take bullets, broken bones, explosions, without the longer term damage is crazy. He is beat up in the beginning of the book and its mentioned for a couple episodes, but not later in the book when that is only really a couple of days later. It is my biggest frustration for sure. Everything else is fascinating, and I really appreciate the attention to detail of old war infrastructure. It's a solid book, but only a 7.
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Book Name | ISBN Code |
State of the Union | 9781847395283 |