The Book in 1 Sentence
The approachable science of where our favorite types of alcohol came from and the science found to create it.
Brief Review
This is an easier contender for my favorite book of the year, and it is only March. While this book does use scientific terms such as the scientific name of different yeast and fungus, the stories used to wrap those hard to understand words are written so well that you don't feel like you are missing anything.
Why I Read this book
I like making drinks, see every podcast episode where I either creator or modify drinks to match the theme of the episode. And I understand that it is all chemistry and science to make the ingredients mix well.
In-Depth Review (Favorite Quotes)
I had been putting off this book even though I was interested in the actual content because I was afraid it was going to be something overly science heavy. I wasn't wrong, but I wasn't right either. Adam Rogers uses his personal research and experience in drinking different drinks to help explain the ever confusing science of how we make alcohol.
This book covers some of the things we all know about different alcohols like the aging process and why it is hard and important, but it also covers the basics like fermentation, distillation, and other processes like the importance of the yeast chosen to make your poison. Actually, that is one of the most interesting things that I learned is that the yeast used is from a poisonous item if consumed without alteration. It also covers how alcohol affects our mind and body. While there is a lot that goes into that to include expectations, our experience, and our physiology, Roger's does a fantastic job of laying it all out on the table.
The final chapter is about hangovers and how they impact us and what causes them. While there was only around 400 scientific studies done about this out of 2000+ in the realm of substance abuse, so the science is limited and a lot of it is old.
This is a great book. I learned so much and as my in-laws have introduced me to wine over the years of being married to their incredibly smart and beautiful daughter, I was able to share some more about that with them after reading it. They have been visiting us while I was reading this, and I think they could see the excited my about what I was learning, and it was enough for them to grab the book. It was a fun read for anyone who has an interest about making drinks. An almost perfect non-fiction book, a 9.
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Book Name | ISBN Code |
Proof | 9780547897967 |