Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Movie)


Voldemort is back, so the old crew regroups to combat the rising of the dark wizard. However, Harry is being targeted by the Ministry as they attempt to ignore the coming storm.


No more crazy hair, but we have a lack luster story. While I think it is a good story to tell, this movie just makes it weird.

Specifically I am talking about the Voldemort inside Harry's head thing. If Voldemort is as strong of an Occulamentist or whatever they call it, then he should have known that Harry was seeing inside his head. I heard an argument that his arrogance stops him from thinking others are good enough to hide from him, but that is garbage. You'd think he'd know when someone else is in his brain. This also brings us to when Harry kicks him out, and we get the quick cuts of different parts of his life, but then we get Voldemort in a 90s music video background making faces. It is very bad shot composition that just looks bad.

Daniel's actions however should be very commended. To act like someone else is part of you, and you are part of them is a difficult thing to express I would imagine. Bellatrix actress, Ms. Carter, is awesome. I have always liked her playing this crazy role, and she does it so well.

I will say the CGI of how the Order and Death Eaters fly/apparate in are very cool. Really gives that old school black hat/white hat vibe, and I am down for it. Especially in the scene next to the veil.

My Rating

This is another one of the movies that, while I appreciate it, just doesn't sit right with me. There is just too much that I felt was important in the book, that isn't in the movie and kills some of the momentum. I don't mind the acting, I don't mind the CGI, I just felt the story was missing something to fill it. I am going to give it a 7.

Parental Rating

No sex, obviously. No real language. Violence is higher than normal, but the blood is limited. I see no reason for them to object to any of this series, but it just isn't my dad's cup of tea. Based on the rules, approved by both.

Category Garrett Mom Dad
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Movie Name IMDB Code
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix tt0373889